At 03:24 PM 5/3/2006, Rory Browne wrote:
It's just struck me, that even though I've been using PHP for six years,
Most of my code, has either been integrated into specialised systems, or for
random administrative job, I've got very little in the line of a portfolio.

This is such a great challenge, to present a portfolio of software design that won't put people to sleep.

If you think back over all the PHP work you've done, you'll probably be able to identify particular kinds of systems you've created that did useful or fancy things, like drive navigation, generate pages from database content, generate dovetailed PHP & JavaScript, created thumbnail galleries, customized content to user preferences, whatever. Distill some of these techniques into simple demos that show off their functionality, and write how-to articles to accompany them. If your demos are sufficiently simple & attractive they'll impress even non-technically-minded potential clients, and if the how-to articles are sufficiently substantial they'll draw interested developers. Even though your ultimate goal is probably to sell your services, one of the best things you can do is attract people to your site who are seeking to learn. We remember the programmers & designers who think cleverly and write clearly. A portfolio like that can lead to referrals and teamwork invitations.

Good luck, and share your portfolio with the rest of us as it develops.

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