> The problem that I'm experiencing using the above form is that when
> some users (and the problem is consistent for those users) submit the
> above form, *none* of the POST variables are getting passed to the
> receiving page.  None of the hidden variables, not the "input 
> type = file" variable, _nothing_.  However, the majority of my users 
> have absolutely no problem using this form.  Just those very few.
> Now, when I change this line:
> <FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="/upload.php" 
> METHOD=POST name="uploadForm"> 
> to this:
> <FORM ACTION="/upload.php" METHOD=POST name="uploadForm"> 
> (ie, remove the ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"),
> all of the POST data gets sent to the receiving page for those users.
> What is going on?  Why is the POST data not getting sent to the server
> when the    ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"    is included in the form
> definition?  And why only for a very small subset of users?
> Thanks for any insight you can give!

Another thing of note:

These same users that are having problems with my file upload form
are not having problems with Yahoo!'s email attachment form (a file
upload form as well).  So I copied all the same HTML code from that
form and put it on my site to test.  The only thing I changed was the
ACTION field and I modified their "Done" button to be a submit button.
When they submitted that form, the POST vars didn't come through
either.  The only thing I can think of is that there is an issue with our
Apache or, more likely, our PHP configuration.  However, I'm not 
sure of where to even start looking.

Again, any help would be greatly appreciated!


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