On Wed, 2006-06-28 at 14:19, Jon Anderson wrote:
> Robert Cummings wrote:
> > Simplistic examples don't properly illustrate the mess that occurs in
> > complex situations.
> However, a simplistic example does properly illustrate my point nicely. 
> I could even take one of my complex multi-page smarty templates, run and 
> perl script to convert it, and end up with a PHP template that's just as 
> clean as the Smarty template by virtue of being basically identical.
> If you split up your logic and your presentation layers, then your 
> templates can be nice and clean, even if they're written in PHP. It's 
> just much easier to shoot yourself in the foot with a PHP template.
> (Again, I have nothing against Smarty or other template systems. I use 
> Smarty all the time, and I quite like it.)

Been there done that. I split my stuff up very well into modular chunks
thank-you-very-much. I still prefer a template engine. But then I guess
you like passing arrays as parameters or have set order to your function
parameters. I prefer to use custom tags where the attribute order is
unimportant. Incidentally custom tags look just like HTML, flow just
like HTML, and validate when a tag is left open. Can provide semantics
as well as content. You can keep your PHP soup.

    <?php if( userLevel( 'admin' ) ){ ?>
    blah blah blah blah blah
    <php? } ?>

    <myProject:restrict level="admin">
    blah blah blah blah blah

Yep, I'm not going back.

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