By 'change management' do you mean something like version control software?  
CVS, Subversion, etc?

We use CVS at work and tried setting up Subversion at one point.   I don't 
know, maybe we're all a bunch of retarded monkies here or maybe both systems 
are just overly complicated, but I don't like either of them.

We have a working CVS setup right now, but it's not integrated with Zend Studio 
(which would be nice) and we couldn't get Subversion to integrate nicely either 
so we're just sticking with CVS for now.

Sad to say, but the easiest, most user-transparent and still functional file 
locking system I've ever used was what's built into Microsoft Office 
applications where it'll tell you "This file is already open, would you like to 
open read-only and be alerted when you can write to it?".  But that doesn't 
contain any version control (unless you turn on "change tracking" in some MS 
Office apps).

I don't know about you, Jay, but all we really want to do is keep a record of 
revisions and be able to 'diff' between them and have the files lock so if 
someone tries to open the file and it's already open, that the user is alerted 
and allowed to open read-only if they desire.

What kind of features are you looking for in a 'change management' software 
package?  Maybe someone can recommend an app or two that will fit yours (and 
maybe our) needs.


= = = Original message = = =

I have been searching and digging for a PHP based change management
application but have had little luck. Can anyone make a recommendation?


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