
on 08/03/2006 09:17 AM Jochem Maas said the following:
> Arno Kuhl wrote:
>> I'm not so sure if the botanist wasn't saying in a rather confused way that
>> he was playing on the same side as PHPClasses, even if he did profess to be
>> in the other team. Did he say he was rolling his own (in a way only
>> botanists can do) or not?
> that's beside the point - manuel tried to have his cake and eat when he
> a, stated writing everying yourself was preferable and b, Java was better
> because they have standardized APIs for framework development allowing people
> to switch between frameworks.

You totally distorting what I said.

a. I said my packages are preferred for my own purposes. I did not say
that my packages are prefferrable for other peoples purposes.

b. I did not say Java is better, otherwise I would use Java, which I
don't. I said that in the Java world the is something called Java
Community Process (JCP) which is a body made from people from the Java
community that is responsible for specifying Java APIs. That would be a
good thing to adopt by the PHP community if it were more organized and

> besides which manuel's 'article' is crap, rob's assessment of it was pretty
> spot on (and it's not the first time manuel has plugged the 'article').
> in the end evilMe(tm) was just fanning the flames. ;->

I am sorry you felt the need to be disrespectful and resort to personal
insult, even more in public. It is a clear sign that you run out of
serious arguments and do not have anything worthy to add to the discussion.

But I cannot be bothered if your parents did not give you proper
education. You do not deserve further of my attention. Do not bother to
reply. I will not follow up.


Manuel Lemos

Metastorage - Data object relational mapping layer generator

PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

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