> I had some code that was working nicely.  In it, I was assigning values to
> a
> multidimensional array like:
> $array_name[0] = array(
>     key1 => 'val',
>     key2 => 'val',
>     key3 => 'val');
> I added a function that directly assigns vars to the same array like:
> $array_name[0][key4] = 'val';
> If this function is called prior to the multiple assignment code, it
> erases
> the directly assigned key/value pair [key4] = 'val'.

try :

$array_name[0][key4] = 'val4';
    key1 => 'val1',
    key2 => 'val2',
    key3 => 'val3'

this will work ...

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