Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> The only slight negative as far as you are concerned could be that they
> may divert some Zend resources to work on Windows issues that aren't
> interesting to you.  But consider that there are 1133 people with PHP
> cvs accounts.  Only 11 work for Zend, and out of those 11 only 3 have
> committed anything substantial in the past year.  Zend resources are
> already diverted to their various commercial projects.  And some of that
> will most likely result in some contributions to PHP funneled through
> one of the 3 active people, so that might be a bit low, but still.

Actually make that 5 active people in the past year.  I did an actual
cvs log check this time instead of just going from memory.  Not that
this was the point.


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