Storing the document that is being called and get paramaters on a DB
is very simple

You would have an include like

$doc = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$get_vars = serialize($_GET);
mysql_query('INSERT INTO logs (page, vars) VALUES ("' . $doc . '", "'
. addslashes($get_vars) . '")');

Of course you'd need extra info like user id and such, but the
principle is there.

On 12/6/06, Rick. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am new to php and I would like some guidance from those who have a bit more 
expereince with PHP

I will be attempting to do a bit of tracking and web analytics. Basically, the 
user will login
and from there everything that he clicked will be recorded in a database and 
i.e user behaviour, patterns with different user groups.

Is this possible with php and it is a major undertaking ? just trying not to 
get ahead of myself here..

are there any tutorials or scripts or books that you know of ?


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