Maybe phpMailer isn't sending the correct headers either.  Sometimes all it 
takes is one missing header that a system is looking for and it may filter it 
as spam or something.

Again, I encourage you to examine the headers from your Thunderbird "good" 
email and compare it to your PHP and/or phpMailer headers that are getting 
sent.  Possibly try to emulate the successful email as much as possible by 
copying the headers from a known successful message.

If that doesn't work, then you may contact teleflip or whatever service you're 
trying to send text messages to and ask them if they can provide any 
information as to why it may not be going through.  Never know, might find 
someone with half a brain who can help.


= = = Original message = = =

I tried using phpMailer and all and it nothing seems to work right.  I can
send it fine through thunderbird but it just seems to complain via php.  Not
sure why.

> I'm guessing the SMS system is rejecting the email because it's lacking
> some headers that mail programs tend to use... and spammers sometimes
> forget.
> You might send your email from Thunderbird.. CC yourself on it.  Verify
> that it went through as a text message, then open the CC'd copy and look at
> the headers.  You can start by taking all those headers and putting them
> into your PHP script then slowly commenting some out until you get just what
> you need and not a lot of extra garbage (to keep it simple and
> semi-elegant).
> That's where I'd start at least.
> -TG
> = = = Original message = = =
> Has anyone been able to successfully send a text message using php and the
> mail function?
> It works fine if I open up thunderbird and send a message to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] but if I use the mail function:
> mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "test", "test");
> It doesn't work.  I've tried several different approaches so was curious
> if
> others have used it successfully.
> Thanks!

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