also consider that there maybe a reverse lookup being done on the sending MTA
that the sms gateway doesn't consider kosher .. and/or that the IP of the
sending MTA is grey-listed/black-listed.

also a check may be being done to see if the sender's account exists
on the sender's [your servers] domain.

check the relevant logs on your server to see what (if anything)
the sms gateway is asking your server. (no idea what/where those logs
are hiding out).

sorry if this all sounds vague, I'm mostly parroting what others have said
in the past - I'm hardly what you would call knowledgable with regard to mail 
and all that jazz.

> Maybe phpMailer isn't sending the correct headers either.  Sometimes all it 
> takes is one missing header that a system is looking for and it may filter it 
> as spam or something.
> Again, I encourage you to examine the headers from your Thunderbird "good" 
> email and compare it to your PHP and/or phpMailer headers that are getting 
> sent.  Possibly try to emulate the successful email as much as possible by 
> copying the headers from a known successful message.
> If that doesn't work, then you may contact teleflip or whatever service 
> you're trying to send text messages to and ask them if they can provide any 
> information as to why it may not be going through.  Never know, might find 
> someone with half a brain who can help.
> -TG
> = = = Original message = = =
> I tried using phpMailer and all and it nothing seems to work right.  I can
> send it fine through thunderbird but it just seems to complain via php.  Not
> sure why.
> wrote:
>> I'm guessing the SMS system is rejecting the email because it's lacking
>> some headers that mail programs tend to use... and spammers sometimes
>> forget.
>> You might send your email from Thunderbird.. CC yourself on it.  Verify
>> that it went through as a text message, then open the CC'd copy and look at
>> the headers.  You can start by taking all those headers and putting them
>> into your PHP script then slowly commenting some out until you get just what
>> you need and not a lot of extra garbage (to keep it simple and
>> semi-elegant).
>> That's where I'd start at least.
>> -TG
>> = = = Original message = = =
>> Has anyone been able to successfully send a text message using php and the
>> mail function?
>> It works fine if I open up thunderbird and send a message to
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] but if I use the mail function:
>> mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "test", "test");
>> It doesn't work.  I've tried several different approaches so was curious
>> if
>> others have used it successfully.
>> Thanks!
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