1. What file extension are you using for your test file?
2. Is this extension found around httpd.conf in a form similar to :

   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .html .phtml .parsemephp

When you stated "All works ok except ..." what works ok?


On Mon, 7 May 2001, Alvaro Collado wrote:

> Mr . John Vanderbeck
> None of both codes works, all this test were do.
> The Netscape ingnore all the tags with <? or <?php for echo or print command.
> Thanks
> Try,
> <?PHP
> echo "This is a test<br>\n";
> ?>
> Some systems are configured to not allow the shorthand "<?" and instead
> REQUIRE the full code start "<?PHP"
> - John Vanderbeck
> - Admin, GameDesign (http://gamedesign.incagold.com/)
> - GameDesign, the industry source for game design and development issues

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