2007. 03. 21, szerda keltezéssel 11.51-kor Ross ezt írta:
> I have a readonly textbox that gets mailed as a newsletter. The text is a 
> standard covering letter. The problem is when I try and convert it to html 
> it doesn't work  It is inserted into a variable via a form textarea 
> $mail_text.

what do you mean by converting to html?
if it is just plain text what do you want to do with it? enclose it
within <p> tags, etc? or what?
and what do you mean by doesn't work?

Zoltán Németh

>  "....available on the web site <a 
> href="http://www.myurl.org";>http://www.myurl.org</a> so you can see who is 
> doing....."
> I tried this
> htmlentities((stripslashes($mail_text)));
> Any ideas?
> R.

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