Jake McHenry wrote:
Hi everyone,

I have been searching and trying to do this for the past hour without
success yet....

I have a database table with this in it:

Period Ending Date: $ppe<p>

And in my script, these variables exist and have values. Is there a way for
me to get the output from mysql_query to use the current script variables in
place of the same variable name within the database output?


If I read the manual correct about how to setup the input values for 
you should be able to do the following.

This is completely untested, since I have now system like yours.  But here is 

#setup the entries that you want to find.
$find[] = '$name';
$find[] = '$ppe';

#setup the values to be replaced.
#Mind you to keep the indexes the in sync with $find...
$replace[] = $name;
$replace[] = $ppe;

echo '<pre>';

while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultHandle) ) {

        $row = str_replace($find, $replace, $row);

        // do something with $row.  Display it maybe...



echo '</pre>';

Basically replace $find[0] with $replace[0] in any of the values of the return $row then replace the previous $row values with the newly modified values... Then go to the next index of $find[1] and $replace[1] and do the same thing until you are out of indexes.

But this is a much better way of doing this than using eval().  eval is an evil 
little function!


Jim Lucas

Different eyes see different things. Different hearts beat on different strings. But there are times for you and me when all such things agree.

- Rush

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