2007. 04. 12, csütörtök keltezéssel 15.52-kor Jochem Maas ezt írta:
> Arthur Erdös wrote:
> > I am using PHP version 5.1.2. on my dev machine. The same problem with 
> > PHP 5.2.1 on webserver.
> > 
> > I am generating mails based on a HTML Template. After reading the
> > template with fread() memory_get_usage() says ~386 MB in use...
> WTF - 386 megs for an html file??? somehow I doubt this is
> the correct number ... are you reading the memory consumption
> correctly?
> exactly how much ram does the server in question have that you can
> allow a single script to schlock up almost 2gigs ??
> > 
> > Then the placeholders in the read template are replaced by customized 
> > values within a loop. The size of the used memory grows permanently in 
> > each loop by approx 30 MB (100 newsletters are generated per loop).
> if the values are customized I can't fathom why you would generate
> 100 emails per loop.
> > 
> > any ideas what i am doing wrong and where i [ab]use php? ^^
> no not really - but it's rather ironic that you sent the same email/reply 3 
> times.
> with showing code there is nothing anybody can do to help.

I think you meant "without showing code" in the above line ;)

Zoltán Németh


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