I've been atleast attempting to use CSS for partial layout for 6 or so years
so yes..I know CSS is not new.  That was not my point.  My point was that
CSS hasn't been a real viable means for layout (not pure CSS anyway) until
relatively recently.  Most sites until recently used tables for layout
because of the bad support for CSS in browsers.

Also, everyone is ignorant of somethings and support poor practice in some
form or another.  Most OOP PHP5 developers considers the code that the
typical PHP4/5 procedural developer writes to be "bad practice".  Most Java,
C#, Ruby, Python, etc developers consider the code that even OOP PHP5
developers churn out to be bad.  What really matters is if it works for
you...and when it ceases being useful or productive then more on.  If you're
striving to be the best front end developer you can be then yes, by all
means, use pure CSS for layout and never use tools like DW but thats not
everyone's goal.

On 4/12/07, tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 2:11 PM -0400 4/12/07, Jarrel Cobb wrote:
>First, CSS layout is relatively new thing.

New? New to you perhaps, but certainly not "new"! CSS2 was released
almost ten years ago -- that's a lifetime in web years.

>Its been possible for a while
>but bad browser support for CSS made it difficult.  I didn't imply that
>people should use a nested table layout and I clearly statement that now
>days most people go for CSS layouts.  I was simply saying that
>came/comes in handy when you are forced to work with a nested table
>either because its 1998 and I.E. 4 has crappy CSS support or because
>working with HTML generated by Photoshop.

True, browsers support css differently, but that hasn't prohibited
competent developers from learning how to use it and developing
compliant web sites -- just look around. Those who use "poor browser
support" as an excuse for not learning css are simply choosing to
remain ignorant.

That's OK, people can remain as ignorant as they want -- but it's
another to claim that they are "leading edge" in developing web sites
when they're still stuck in tables. I see those claims all the time
by companies who haven't a clue as to what validation is, let alone
things like accessibility. What's unfortunate, those things matter in
sales -- and that's what clients really want!

And, no one is forced to work with nested tables, even if you have to
work from Photoshop layouts. What do you think the rest of us do? We
see what the client wants and we create it. There's not a frigging
layout that you can create in Photoshop that I can't tun into a
compliant web page AND probably do it faster than your Dreamweaver
experts when you consider the entire web site. There's more to a web
site than a Photoshop image.

Sorry for the rant -- but sometimes things are so obvious it's
frustrating to hear people supporting poor practice.



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