Here's an appropriate example, one of a few ways you may do it :

 $state  = 'Wa';

 $state  = trim(strtoupper($state));
 $states = array('WA' => 'Washington', 'OR' => 'Oregon', 'ID' => 'Idaho');
  if (in_array($state, array_keys($states))) {

    echo "you chose <b>{$states[$state]}</b>, a state in the pacific NW!";

  } else {

    echo "you've chosen <b>$state</b>, an inferior state indeed.";

In the above, we make sure the chosen state is a $states key/index as
array_keys creates an array of keys, from the $states array, like so :

  $keys = array('WA','OR','ID');

If $state is in this array, bingo!  That's one way, it all depends on what
you're doing exactly.  in_array() is a nice little function btw, that's
the point of this post :)  Check out array_keys and array_search too.


On Sun, 13 May 2001, DRN wrote:

> Hi, I would like to check whether a variable, $type, is equal to a
> number of different possible states. I know I could use
> if ( $type == "abc" || $type == "bcd") { $a = b }
> but this would get a bit clumsy if I had to check whether it is say
> one of 20 different things.
> What I was wondering is, is there a better way of doing this? I will
> occasionally need to add another option as well, although I don't mind
> a simple code edit.
> Cheers for your help,  Donald
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