admin wrote:
Inside the body of method foo() you can of course use syntax like
parent::foo(). But is there a way to call the parent version of
obj->foo() outside the class? That kind of syntax is allowed in C++, for
example: Aclass a; if (a.Aparent::foo()) ...;

Some contrived example to illustrate the point:

class AParent {
  public function foo() { .. }

class A extends AParent {
  public function foo() {
    doit($this, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);

function doit($obj, $classname, $funcname) {
  if (...)
//    $obj->classname_parent::$funcname();


To use Richards example, but with a little different twist for accessing the 
parent methods/properties

class A
    public __construct()
        // ...
    public function foo ()
        // ...

class B extends A {
    // Constructor
    public function __construct ()

// And then...

$b = new B();

This will bring all methods/properties from class A into class B.

You can choose to override class A methods/properties when you define class B.
But the idea here is that only need to write the methods/properties once in the 
parent class,
then you can extend your class with class A and have all the methods/properties 
available to you
within your current class.

It is good to practice the DRY principle here.

Note: Richard Heyes thanks for the code snippet

Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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