At 10:38 AM +0800 7/17/07, Man-wai Chang wrote:
I have to agree with Col on this one. Books are not shareware, freeware or open source. They are written for profit and anyone wanting to pirate

Not really. You could open a sample book in bookstores, scan the chapters to decide whether you are gonna buy it. It's not porn magazines wrapped in plastic bag, with a label "18-year-old or more".

There are bookstores that don't customers to preview the books. For me, I would not buy a book by just looking at the cover. You gotta kidding me or you were too greedy.

Whoa dude. I go to book stores all the time and look over books. Those I like, I buy -- and I buy a lot of books.

I don't use words of other's written for profit without paying. To do so is stealing.



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