On Saturday 28 July 2007, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On 28/07/07, tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >On 28/07/07, Larry Garfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>  If "indirectly affecting the market so that prices change" counts
> > >>as stealing,
> > >>  then Coke and Pepsi build their business models around stealing from
> > >> each other.
> > >>
> > >>  Apache/PHP/MySQL are then "stealing actual money" from Microsoft,
> > >>because they
> > >>  reduces sales of Windows, IIS, Visual Studio, and MS SQL Server.
> > >>
> > >>  Great, so that means we should shut down Pepsi to stop them from
> > >>stealing from
> > >>  Coke, and shut down PHP to stop them from stealing from Microsoft!
> > >>
> > >>  I would say that shows just what pathetically laughable bullshit
> > >>that argument
> > >>  is, except that Microsoft has made it publicly before, albeit phrased
> > >>  as "defending capitalism".  You see why I find it so offensive?
> > >
> > >Ah, so you are saying that by pirating software/books/music you are
> > >creating market competition, which drives the producers to produce
> > >higher quality content at affordable prices. I feel so stupid that I
> > >didn't see it that way from the beginning.
> > >
> > >Dotan Cohen
> >
> > It' a lost cause trying to get him to admit that it's stealing.
> >
> > But, I did just hear that same argument from a movie called "The
> > Fifth Element" where the bad guy was claiming his bad deeds did just
> > that.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > tedd
> He's probably just trolling.
> In any case I think that I remember the scene. Wasn't that just before
> he double-timed his accomplices and gave them a booby-trapped weapon?
> Lesson to be learned here, don't trust the immoral....
> Dotan Cohen

1) Something can be illegal without it being theft.  The idea that "if it's 
not theft then it must be OK" is the bullshit argument that I am pointing out 
as bullshit.

2) No, I am not saying that copyright infringement is a good thing.  Perhaps 
you've heard of a concept called "hyperbole".  Or one called "sarcasm".  I 
was pointing out that if copyright infringement counted as "theft" from 
someone else who was paying for a licensed copy of X, then Pepsi having a 
marketing campaign counted as "theft" from Coke because of lost sales.  Both 
are equally asinine statements.  That's the point.  

3) At no point in this conversation have I ever said that I engage in or 
support copyright infringement, and I am insulted that you would accuse me of 
such without any evidence or justification to back it up.

I am pointing out that you are saying things that are *factually inaccurate by 
the laws of the United States*.  And for that you accuse me of copyright 
infringement and being immoral?  That is without a doubt the most offensive 
comment I've seen on this list so far.  I would say I expect an apology, but 
given that you fall back on insulting someone's ethics just because they 
don't buy into the same lie that the media cartels have been spreading that 
you do I won't hold my breath.

Really, I had expected more mature commentary from the adults on this list.  

Larry Garfield                  AIM: LOLG42
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               ICQ: 6817012

"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of 
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, 
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to 
himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession 
of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it."  -- Thomas 

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