Ryan A wrote:
Yes, but that's why it's called faith.
My point was that it makes no sense to try and prove
or demonstrate anything using God because the existance of God itself cannot be proven or demonstrated.

There will be a demonstration of god's existance in a
little while, please look up when you are burning and
I am sipping nector.

That would also be the day the devil drives to work in a snow plough right?

Sorry, couldnt resist, no offense meant ;)

None taken. My beliefs are my beliefs and yours are yours, and you are entitled to say anything you want, as am I. If you prefer to lead a blinkered life go ahead, but I prefer to use my head to find my way through life rather than live by the "teachings" of a bunch of fiction written by men.

If this "God" really thinks that makes me unworthy that's its business. I really don't want anything to do with any entity that thinks like that.



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