Daniel Brown wrote:
On 8/10/07, Stut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If PHP thinks something might be wrong it will tell you. Why on earth
would you want to ignore it? You think you're smarter than PHP? Really?

    Okay, Stut, let's not make Friday the official "Flame Dan Brown"
holiday this week.  I vote that it should be later in the year.

    However, it should also be noted that my development is never done
on a production server attached to the Internet, for one; and on my
development machine, E_NOTICE is always enabled.  I just fail to see
the benefit in alerting visitors to the site that there may have been
something overlooked at some point.

Whoa there nelly, that's a whole other thing.

I've never said users get to see notices. They never see warnings or errors. That's what the display_errors and log_errors options in php.ini are for. On my production servers error_reporting is set to E_ALL, display_errors is off and log_errors is on. I get an email from each server containing the contents of the error log from the previous day and my first task each day is to go through that and track down any issues that usage has highlighted.



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