Robert Cummings wrote:
On Fri, 2007-08-10 at 11:48 -0400, Daniel Brown wrote:
On 8/10/07, Stut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
.... I get an email from each
server containing the contents of the error log from the previous day
and my first task each day is to go through that and track down any
issues that usage has highlighted.
    That's actually a good point there that I can take away from this.
 I actually don't have anything set to send me a log of code issues,
only when an error is caused (and, of course, anything server-related,
but that's a different point entirely).

Simple enough... put the following in a file, and add a cron job.

#!/usr/bin/php -qC

if( !isset( $argv[1] ) || !isset( $argv[2] ) || !isset( $argv[3] ) )
    echo "Usage: {$argv[0]} <subject> <email> <path>\n";
    exit( 1 );

$subject = $argv[1];
$email   = $argv[2];
$path    = $argv[3];

$content = implode( '', file( $path ) );

if( trim( $content ) === '' )
    $content = 'NO ERRORS TODAY!!!';

mail( $email, $subject, $content );


I used to have something similar to this until someone uploaded a script that started writing to the error log like mad. Overnight my poor little script tried to load a 240meg log file into memory and email it to me. I now use a simple bash script that pipes the log to the mail command - much safer.

Should probably say that it also renames the log file, graceful's Apache, zips the old log and moves it to an archive file server. Rob's script above, used without something that starts a new log will result in ever-increasing emails.



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