Jim and Brad.

Thanks for the feedback. I was thinking it was something simple like a back 
button. But the problem that arises when I use this method is on Form 3.

If I go through the steps, and make a change to an item on Form 3. Then use 
the <a href="javascript:history.go(-2);">Return to search 
results</a>.....everything works fine.
But if I dont make any changes to Form 3. then this takes me all the way 
back to the search page.

People in my group use this form to update database information for a number 
of items. Once they make changes, they would like to go back to the search 
results, instead of having to run the same search again and again.

"Jim Lucas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Derek Moon wrote:
>> I am trying to imporve a web application that my group uses.
>> Basically there are 3 forms that work together Form 1 > form 2
>> Form 1 - searchs for enterend values
>> Form 2 - returns search results, letting you individually select any item
>> Form 3 - lets you edit a specific individual item
>> I want to make a link on the Form 3 that returns you to form Form 2
>> basically a "Back to Search results" link.
>> I'm thinking that there is a way to pass the query string, but I am a 
>> newbie and I'm not sure that I am going about this the right way.
>> Anyone have any advice or knowledge to share?
> I would personally just use the back button. Isn't that what it is there 
> for?
> But seriously, if you changed the method on Form 1 to use get instead of 
> post, you could then just have a button that sends you back 1 in your 
> history, or 2 in this case.
> ...
> ...
> Actually wait, it would be 3
> form 1 -> results -> edit -> save changes ->\
>              \------------------------------/
> hope the format is correct on my ascii art :)
> nope, now that I read it again, it is only 2 back in the history
> So something like this for the back button
> <a href="javascript:history.go(-2);">Return to search results</a>
> That should do
> POST Only use post when you are submitting a form
> that will change the data that you are submitting
> GET Use this for forms that do not change get, but
> only retrieve data.
> -- 
> Jim Lucas
>    "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
>        and some have greatness thrust upon them."
> Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
>     by William Shakespeare 

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