Manuel Vacelet wrote:
Hi all,

I repeat the mantra 'filter input, escape output' every day before
writing any line of code.
About "filter input" I use to develop my own filter but I don't like
this solution as it's error prone (my regexp may be wrong, I don't
like to re-invent the wheel that much, ...).

I'd like to know if there is a library that could help me. I identified:
- PEAR Validate:
  * seems nice
  * but no activity since ~1year and still "beta".

- PEAR HTML_QuickForm:
  * validation is a part of its job.
  * not very usable if you only want to validate input (need to
declare each element before, access to invalid element not easy).

- PHP Filter:
  * Require php 5.2
  * As it's embedded in the php core, if there is a security hole we
need to wait for a new php version to fix the bug.

Is there any other library I need to investigate ?
What are you using for your own developments ?

-- Manuel

What are you wanting to validate?

Do you want a package/class/function set that when called will validate 
different types of input?
Email, string, int, etc...

Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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