On 10/11/07, Jim Lucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What are you wanting to validate?
> Do you want a package/class/function set that when called will validate 
> different types of input?
> Email, string, int, etc...

Basically yes.
I want to validate:
- type: (string, int, float, ..)
- characteristics (length, allowed characters, ...)
- nature (email, ISBN, ...)

I also want this lib. to let me define my own rules.
For instance, I'm dealing with parameters that looks like 'field_33',
'field_1', 'label', 'title'
I want to be able to tells:
validate stuff that match:
- (field_[0-9]+ or [a-z]+)
and maybe in some cases
- (field_[0-9]+ or label or title)

The thing that remains not very clear to me is where validation stop
and where application logic start.

A given 'item' (value = 7) have 3 'fields':
- field_33
- field_5
- label

When it comes to validate the fields value of the item '7'
should I validate 'field' against
- ('field_33', 'field_5', 'label')
  -> I validate the data are well formed AND coherent.
-('field_[0-9]+', [a-z]+)
  -> I only care about the form and I let the "application part" deal
with coherency later.

I don't know if I'm clear enough!

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