Actually, We _are_ considering of buying Zend Encoder, but in the
middle of thinking for alternatives... :-)

However, sometimes vendors do not want user to have access to
the _binary also_ (and then run it somewhere else), so that needs
some extra protection other than the Encoder too.


At 19/05/2001 21:47, Craig Vincent wrote:
>2) user cannot trick other root processes to read
>script.php for her.
>Is there a better alternative?
>Depending on your budget yes there is.  Zend has a PHP encoding utility
>which performs two functions, first off since it needs to run through their
>optimizer your PHP scripts will tend to run faster (at the expense of a bit
>more memory consumption) and also you don't need to worry about preventing
>the source code from being read as the php scripts are converted into a
>binary executable.  License to use these programs are I believe around $600
>per year but offer a wide range of additional features but I would consider
>it well worth it to a company rather than spending countless tech hours and
>security testing to prevent the source from being viewed.
>Craig Vincent

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