Hello Rasmus,

On 20-May-01 17:42:22, you wrote:

>> >Not really, the parent has to somehow call wait() on the child, otherwise
>> >you'd get zombie processes...
>> >Generally, implementing that sort of stuff within the Apache framework is
>> >a bit of asking for trouble :I
>> Anyway, PHP really lacks of real multi-threading capabilities.  Things like
>> database connection pooling, (non-HTTP) server request handling, and GUI
>> event processing could be properly implemented in PHP with multi-threading
>> capabilities like the way it is done in Java, Perl, Python, etc. but can't
>> be done right in PHP because it lacks multi-threading support.
>> Any plans to add multi-threading capabilities to PHP?

>Nope, but you can use the ticks feature to do some of this.

Not very good.  With ticks you never can run two PHP commands at the same
time, like for instance executing two or more SQL queries at the same time.
That is a shame for PHP because for instance in Java that is a breeze.

Anyway, I was asking Zeev, will PHP ever have multi-threading capabilities?

Manuel Lemos

Web Programming Components using PHP Classes.
Look at: http://phpclasses.UpperDesign.com/?[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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