DNS records are failing to lookup the domain name for you...

Maybe just put the URL back into a queue to try later.

You should also toy with nslookup or dig from the command line and see
if you can get it to fail as often.

On Thu, December 27, 2007 12:00 pm, Albert Wiersch wrote:
> Some additional info. It seems I am getting these warnings when it
> fails:
> Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: php_network_getaddresses:
> getaddrinfo
> failed: Name or service not known
> Warning: fopen(http://wanganda2u.co.uk) [function.fopen]: failed to
> open
> stream:
> Now I have to find out why that is failing some of the time but not
> other
> times.
> --
> Albert Wiersch
> Fix your website: http://onlinewebcheck.com
> ""Albert Wiersch"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> I noticed my script at http://onlinewebcheck.com was sometimes
>> (fairly
>> often) failing to open some URLs that users have entered. fopen()
>> returns
>> false very quickly, but when tried again with the same URL,
>> sometimes it
>> works. What would cause this behavior? Why does fopen() occasionally
>> fail
>> to open valid http addresses but works at other times?
>> --
>> Albert Wiersch
> --
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I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
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