On 1/9/08, Liam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The cgi script IS perl.  Oh, RE: the sentence below it: I'm running
> apache, and it DOESN'T work.  The reason I am trying to call it in php
> is to include it on a webpage.  So, tell me, how am I supposed to
> pre-generate the contents in a flatfile (whatever that is)?  Or if I
> can't do that, then what I am supposed to do?

1) lynx -dump http://blah.com/x.cgi?getssi >file.htm every so often,
or some other method to request the cgi and dump the output
2) include("http://blah.com/x.cgi?getssi";) requires fopen wrappers on
includes and is a poor security measure (would not really recommend
3) use curl functions to grab it in PHP and display (still will
technically issue an HTTP request) - probably the best method, if you
have to.

CGI scripts are not designed to be executed on the command line using
parameters like GET. which is why it's poorly supported. i do have it
working under zeus and i have had it working in the past under apache,
but it might have been due to a specific configuration method (it also
was not CGI, but an SSI call to a php script with GET parameters...
same idea, but different SAPI, which could be why it doesn't work for
you anyway)

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