On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 03:19:28PM -0700, Alex Black wrote : 
> hi all,
> I'm trying to do an array sort that takes:
>     $test = array(
>         array( // this is $test[0].
>             string => "this is the second",
>             num => 2
>         ),
>         array( // this is $test[1].
>             string=> "this is the first",
>             num => 1
>         ),
>     );        
> and sorts that array based on $test[$x][num], so I get:
>     $test = array(
>         array( // this was $test[1], now $test[0].
>             string=> "this is the first",
>             num => 1
>         ),
>         array( // this was $test[0], now $test[1].
>             string=> "this is the second",
>             num => 2
>         ),
>     );        

Use 'uasort()':

function my_hash_sort( $a, $b) {
        $a = $a['num'];
        $b = $b['num'];
        if( $a == $b) return 0;
        return ( $a > $b) ? -1 : 1;

uasort( $test, 'my_hash_sort');

- Markus

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