On 19 Jan 2008, at 18:36, David Powers wrote:
Point 2: My address has been exposed by the thoughtless acts of others not setting their mail program/newsreader options correctly. Apart from the ex-BBC forum (where I have since changed the settings and edited the relevant post), all Google references to my email address came from the archives of this list. That's where the spam has probably started. By publishing a weekly list of email addresses, you're just making life easier for the spam merchants.

If you intend to store the email addresses of people using this mailing
list, there should be a clear statement of privacy policy on the PHP
site. If there is one, I couldn't find it.
   That's because it has nothing to do with the PHP site or project.
It's a private project intended to be of interest to those who post
here.  And you're here as well.

Whoah, hang on a moment. It has everything to do with the PHP site and project. It's hosted on the php.net news server. When I subscribed to the PHP general mailing list I did not give permission for this. This is an international list, and what you're doing breaks EU privacy laws, and possibly those in other countries too. Please remove my name and details from your system.

This is a *public* mailing list. By posting an email to it you are exposing your email address to an unknown number of people you don't know. Any number of those could be spammers collecting email addresses, or archivers creating web-based archives over which you have no control. If you didn't want your email address to be put into the public domain you should not have sent emails to a public mailing list, period.

While I agree that Dan should be obfuscating the email addresses coming from his script I think your complaints are aimed at the wrong person. *You* are to blame for putting your email address out there, and I think we'd all appreciate it if you would stop blaming Dan.

I use a Gmail account for all mailing lists for precisely this reason. If you were stupid^Wnaive enough to use an "important" email address that's your problem.

And no, I won't remove your address from the recipient list.



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