On Jan 19, 2008 1:36 PM, David Powers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel Brown wrote:
> > On Jan 19, 2008 12:30 PM, David Powers wrote:
> >> Yes, and it's obvious how that happens. It's because people, including
> >> yourself, don't have the courtesy to set up your email or newreader
> >> program to remove the sender's address from replies.
> >
> >     By removing the email address, it completely defeats the purpose
> > of post tracking.  That bit may have escaped you from the layout of
> > the report.
> I wasn't referring to that, but to the thoughtless way that you and
> others automatically include the sender's email address in plain text
> every time you respond to a post. Surely it's not too much to ask that
> you set your mail program or newsreader so that it doesn't display the
> address?

    You may never heard of Gmail or any other hosted email clients
that don't offer this as an option.  Apparently not everyone
subscribes to the same level of paranoia.

> >     Considering this is the second time it's been (properly) sent out,
> > I highly doubt, David, that I've contributed to your inbox being
> > bombarded with SPAM.  Get to the point.... do you want your address
> > omitted?
> Point 1: Yes, I do want my address removed.

    Consider it very gladly done.

> Point 2: My address has been exposed by the thoughtless acts of others
> not setting their mail program/newsreader options correctly. Apart from
> the ex-BBC forum (where I have since changed the settings and edited the
> relevant post), all Google references to my email address came from the
> archives of this list. That's where the spam has probably started. By
> publishing a weekly list of email addresses, you're just making life
> easier for the spam merchants.

    Poor you.  You may wish to try smoke signals.  If you don't want
people to see your email address, don't use email.  I'm not saying
that SPAM is a welcome thing, by any means, but I find it extremely
ludicrous to expect others to go through messages to remove your email
address.  Try changing your Reply-To header (or whatever other headers
you can change in your client) to rewrite your email address.  You'll
notice some people have it set to send their address as
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or the like.

> >> If you intend to store the email addresses of people using this mailing
> >> list, there should be a clear statement of privacy policy on the PHP
> >> site. If there is one, I couldn't find it.
> >
> >     That's because it has nothing to do with the PHP site or project.
> > It's a private project intended to be of interest to those who post
> > here.  And you're here as well.
> Whoah, hang on a moment. It has everything to do with the PHP site and
> project. It's hosted on the php.net news server. When I subscribed to
> the PHP general mailing list I did not give permission for this. This is
> an international list, and what you're doing breaks EU privacy laws, and
> possibly those in other countries too. Please remove my name and details
> from your system.

    First of all, before you dare bring the PHP site or project into
your field of vision and blame, get your facts straight.  The
PostTrack/ListWatch scripts are not hosted on any servers in any way
associated with the PHP project.  The mailing list is hosted there,
yes.... but that's not what we're talking about here.

    Secondly, before you attempt to cite EU privacy law violations
against someone who has actually studied them to remain in compliance,
and doesn't just feel well-educated on the subject because he resides
in the UK, understand that I am within compliance even in this case.
Your name and email address is considered "personal information" as
identified by the Information Commissioner's Office (the body
responsible for your jurisdiction).  However, when subscribing to the
list, aside from common and public knowledge, you were made aware of
the public availability of your personal information on external
archives, to other subscribers, et cetera, upon posting a message to
the list.  My offer and action to remove your information from the
public report stands as a valid and legal method for protecting your

    Finally, I don't want you to think that I'm personally-attacking
you in the same way you did to me, because I understand your concerns,
no matter how groundless further arguments may be.  I don't hold that
part against you in any way, shape, or form.  As such, I've made
amendments to the system to remove your information from all future
reports (provided you don't change your email address), and hopefully
we can cease this discussion, because it's obviously detracting from
productive discussion.


Daniel P. Brown
Senior Unix Geek and #1 Rated "Year's Coolest Guy" By Self Since

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