On Jan 19, 2008 8:02 PM, Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nathan Nobbe schreef:
> > hi all,
> >
> > recently ive been debating a bit about the use of the crypt() function and
> > the best practice thereof, im hoping you can help to clarify this for me.
> >
> > so, the crypt function
> > http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.crypt.php
> > has a second parameter, $salt, which, if not supplied will be automatically
> > generated and presumably become a prefix or suffix of the returned string.
> >
> > now, the article on the phpsec website
> > http://phpsec.org/articles/2005/password-hashing.html
> > recommends to externally create a salt and to store that in a separate field
> > in the database, which would then be used for subsequent password
> > verification.
> >
> > theoretically, however, if the password is generated without a user supplied
> > salt,
> > there is a salt already embedded in the password anyway.
> >
> > so, i have the following questions
> >
> >    1. is the phpsec technique bloated or unnecessary
> I can't see a dictionary attack being thwarted by the salt given that the salt
> is made available when a password is checked. I'm struggling to see how a salt
> will help if it's made available. but it's late, may be better brain can 
> enlighten us :-)
> then again your question is a little skewed due to the fact that sha1() is
> used in the phpsec article and your talking about crypt - which encryption is
> better as it stands is the first question to ask no? AFAIK sha1() is
> recommended over DES but maybe I'm misinformed.
> >    2. is it better to create a user supplied salt, and why or why not
> >    3. is crypt() 'intended' to be used w/o a user provided salt, since it
> >    is a stable algorithm
> depends on the use - i.e. using it inconjunction with a .htpasswd file
> will required no salt (auto-generated salt), other usage recommends using
> an explicit salt.
> all this salt is hurting my eyes - I have a blind spot.
> >
> > any other direction or hints you can supply are much appreciated.
> >
> > thanks,
> >
> > -nathan
> >
> --
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They say sha1 has been compromised.

I always make sure that I use a site specific salt which is just
appended on the user supplied value.  I started doing that when I read
that people had created huge databases of hashed values that they can
just search on.  At least this way no matter what the password isn't a
dictionary word.  As for if that really adds value in the end I can't
say as I'm not really a security expert.

Eg. hash('sha256', $input.$salt);

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