On Feb 7, 2008 9:24 AM, Eric Butera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> While I agree that if the end user doesn't get it, then you don't get
> paid... but quality matters if you have to extend/maintain/secure it.
> Well, I guess not.  Look at how wildly popular MySpace is.

im guessing most people who use oscommerce or zencart dont ever
look at the code, let alone extend it.  a couple years back i setup a
zencart install for someone and i remember looking on the forums at
that time..  someone was trying to mod it a little and one of the core
devs said something like 'what are you doing, mucking around in the
code..'; i was somewhat shocked at that.

did you see the thread that started last night about a zencart module
and php arrays??  if thats indicative of the typical user (which i suspect
it is) i think these guys are safe to assume not many people are going
to extend their code.  but thats no excuse for poor code (here i assume
the code is bad, but from a cursory glance it looks like zencart has
improved since i last used it [though ive not looked at the code much]).

if i were going to use it id almost certainly end up maintaining some sort
of forked version or perhaps just grabbing some functionality from it, like
maybe integration w/ a payment gateway or something.  hopefully that
cant be too bad, and small enough to easily tweak in the event it needed
a face-lift.


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