Shawn McKenzie wrote:
Ryan A wrote:
Add my vote too for Smarty....

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I like smarty and it's very powerful, however what you find is that it's
just a less capable replacement for PHP.  If I want conditional
statements to display HTML and/or loop through arrays, why would I want
to do it in smarty tags?  Instead of moving display away from logic, it
just replaces the logic with a different language.  When I use templates
I pretty much want variable substitution.  My next project I'll probably
use HTML files with little bits of PHP echos etc... sprinkled throughout.


re: If I want conditional statements to display HTML and/or loop through arrays, why would I want to do it in smarty tags?

Things are very different when there are a team of varyingly skilled people on the job, do you really want a junior designer going in and changing bits of a php application, when you could limit the damage to a smarty template?

further; the font end smarty language is definately needed; concider

{if $articles}
{*loop through articles and show in table *}
{* show no articles message *}

in my opinion, being able to dump that kind of ultra simple logic onto the designers makes:
1: my life much easier
2: my php files much neater
3: my code my "own domain" without worrying about random comments and breakages from designers 4: the designers happier as they have more freedom and power to control the display, without having to worry

final note:
personally I output every script to a suitably named .tpl file with a single line {debug} - job done

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