calling session_register() on a var that is allready registered is asking
for trouble. there seems to be some bug in php concerning this.



 if (!isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['counter']))
  $counter = 0;

 echo "
 Counter: $counter<br>


will work better for you I hope. please get back to me regarding how this
worked out.


  Chris Lee

"Robert Schaller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I'm having the following problem. I have PHP-4.0.5 staticaly compiled
> with apache 1.3.19, running on a red hat linux with a 2.2.12 Kernel.
> The following script does not work the second time called, the browser
> just "hangs" and returns a "this document is empty" after a while. I am
> getting no error message in the log files and the session files are
> being created in the tmp directory, they are empty though.
> <?
> session_name( "test" );
> session_start();
> $session_ok = session_register( "counter" );
> if( $session_ok ){
> echo( "Counter: ".++$counter );
> }else echo( "failed" );
> ?>
> Any ideas?
> How can I get some kind of hint as to what is going wrong?
> thanks,
> Robert
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