Hi Chris,

thanks for your fast reply. I tried your advice, checking if a variable
is already registered before registering it again, the problem remains.

The thing that bugs me is that I am getting no error message whatsoever,
session_register is returning true and there is nothing in the log file.

I ran tcpdump to see what is going on, this is what happens:

1. on the first call I'm getting a OK HTTP reply with a set cookie and
the session file is being created in the session file path, its empty
though (the file is web server readable, writable). A "Counter: 1" is

2. The second call delivers the cookie correctly to the script, the
script doesn't set a new cookie this time, returns a HTTP OK, replies
with "Counter: 1", obviously the session variable $counter was not kept.

3. On the third call, I am getting no HTTP reply from the Server. If I
close the browser and open it again, the same thing 1-3 happens again.
Same with NS and IE!

Something is broken here!


Chris Lee wrote:
> calling session_register() on a var that is allready registered is asking
> for trouble. there seems to be some bug in php concerning this.
> <?php
>  session_start();
>  if (!isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['counter']))
>  {
>   $counter = 0;
>   session_register('counter');
>  }
>  $counter++;
>  echo "
>  Counter: $counter<br>
>  ";
> ?>
> will work better for you I hope. please get back to me regarding how this
> worked out.

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