George J wrote:
> ""Thiago Pojda"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> De: George J [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> So calling the script via the form works i.e it passes the
>>> neccessary variables to constrct the sql query for the next
>>> call.
>> As Shawn said, if you really need the query again add it to session, 
>> never,
>> NEVER give the user the ability to see/execute queries by himself 
>> (remember
>> POST data could be easily manipulated). Remember what Daniel said, adding 
>> a
>> DELETE FROM is not hard and veeery bad>
> OK. I see the logic.
>> Ok, let me ask you something. Why post to itself? You could have a script
>> only to do form actions, that way you can:
>> 1 Separate huge php validations with your html form.
>> 2 Use functions to handle the incoming data and writing the new query (or
>> the old one again).
> I suspect that most folk in my position start the learning process by 
> finding a script that does a similar task and adapting it. This is basically 
> what I've done. I started by finding a form example and then added a 
> pagination routine then... Several deadends later... Not the best way to 
> write anything but the simplest of scripts. However, the numerous changes to 
> the code has entailed lots of learning during the process. So in answer to 
> your question. I didn't set out with any idea of the best way to write the 
> script. Just a broad idea of what I wanted to end up with.
>> As it's built at server side, the user is never going to see your query or
>> [1]manipulate it as you're writing it all over again, just using your old
>> parameters (they could be added as hidden fields in the form if strictly
>> necessary).
>>> So, as I see it, the pagination links won't POST the form
>>> variables. How do I pass the 'SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE
>>> selection=option LIMIT start, range'
>>> query to the called script?
>> You should try building a default query where you only add the parameters
>> given by the user. If you can't seem to recover that, add them to 
>> and you'll be fine next time you want them (if you don't overwrite it 
>> =] ).
> My query code-
> -------SQL query construction block
>       $query = "SELECT * FROM prods ";
>       if($catagory != 0){                                               // 
> if category != 0
>          $where="WHERE c = $catagory ";
>          if ($manu != 0){                                          // check 
> manu != 0
>             $and = "AND m = $manu ";
>             if ($searchstring != 0){
>                $and = $and."AND description LIKE \"%$searchstring%\" "; // 
> check like != 0
>             }
>          }else{
>         ...
> $query=$query.$where.$and.$like
> -----------
> Can you please explain your suggestion above in laymans terms. I can't see 
> what you have in mind. Is it your suggestion to use one script, containing a 
> from, that calls another script that handles my query construction? That far 
> I follow you but what happens next?
What file is this?  is the pagination code in this file also?  If not
where?  Post you pagination code and this is a simple explanation.

Build your query as you've done and stick it in a session var.  It is
now available to future calls to this page or other pages.


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