On 11 April 2008 14:45, tedd advised:

> At 10:12 PM -0400 4/10/08, Eric Wood wrote:
>> tedd wrote:
>>> [1] http://www.webbytedd.com/x/index.php
>>> [2] http://sperling.com/x/index.php
>>> Both of these demos have the exact same code; and are on the same
>>> server; with exactly the same php-info -- so, why do they behave
>>> differently re sessions?
>> Strange.  I've run into issues whenever I use variable names which
>> are the same as session variables.  It's as if they step on each
>> others toes.  I try to use uniq var names.  I've also recently run
>> into customized 401 pages (which you may not see happen, check the
>> logs) start up and the session data gets overwrite due to a lack of
>> session file locking. -eric
> -eric:
> You didn't provide the reason why, but you did provide a solution.
> Changing the variable names to be different than the session names
> the problem. 
> Now, if any php guru would care to tell me why, I would
> really like to know.

Sounds like a register_globals=On issue....

Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
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