At 11:33 AM -0400 4/11/08, Daniel Brown wrote:
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 10:29 AM, Ford, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Sounds like a register_globals=On issue....

    It does to me, as well.  I know, Tedd, that on the site
that you mentioned to me off-list, I'm about 99% positive that it's
the reason.  Shared hosts generally keep register_globals on and leave
it up to the individual customer to turn it off.  On that particular
server, though, since it's mostly developers, I may just send out an
email to get feedback and turn it off at the main, and then allow
ya'all to override it on your individual sites.

    The thing that makes me wonder (and I haven't checked myself to
verify) is why two sites, on the same server, having the same


I found it and you were right.

On my site, I had a htaccess file that read:

AddDefaultCharset utf-8

php_value register_globals 0
php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0
php_value magic_quotes_sybase 0
php_value magic_quotes_runtime 0

And I didn't have that htaccess file on my site. However, what fooled me was in both scripts I had:

ini_set( 'register_globals', '0' );

So, I thought that was the same, but apparently it's not. Maybe because my server had safe_mode ON it won't allow it -- I don't know. Another question for another time.

Thanks a bunch guys!



PS: I did try the session_write_close and several other suggestions, but none worked.


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