On Wed, 2008-04-16 at 17:22 +0100, Robin Vickery wrote:
> On 16/04/2008, Jay Blanchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [snip]
> >  > What about encapsulation?
> >
> >  Interfaces have nothing to do with encapsulation for the smple reason
> >  that I
> >  can have encapsulation without using interfaces.
> Unique use of logic there.
> By similar reasoning; swimming trunks have nothing to do with swimming
> for the simple reason that I can swim without trunks.
> > You are still missing the fundamental point. There is absolutely
> > nothing I can do WITH interfaces that I cannot do WITHOUT them,
> > therefore they are redundant.
> How about compile-time checking that the interface has been correctly
> implemented?

Exactly, I was about to write the same line to Tony. Yes, you can do
everything without interfaces (and I do), but some people like the
safety net of compile time checks for full implementation of the
interfaces requirements... the problem is when you're testing the
buildup of code for an interface, you often make function stubs until
you get to them... and you might forget one ;)

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