
I've got Dreamweaver UD 4, by default it supports ASP, JSP, and ColdFusion 
- as of yet Macromedia isn't overly interested in supporting PHP as there 
is no company backing it.

There are however several PHP engine extensions in the works for PHP4 - 
they're on release 0.6.8 now I think, so its not exactly ready for 
production level work.  I had the beta engine installed on my machine until 
UD started acting up - I don't know if it was a result of the beta PHP 
engine or some other extensions I installed from Macromedia's website.

For the most part, I'll design the site in UD, and any scripting that it 
won't handle (and even some that it will) I'll use a text web editor such 
as HotDog or Homesite to add the necessary code.

I'm also looking forward to the day UD supports PHP :)


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