---- Jay Blanchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> [snip]
>     I don't want to start any arguments or flame wars, but it's been
> my opinion for years that the US should require at least one year in
> the armed services as well.  If you want freedom and privileges, you
> should earn them, not feel automatically entitled to them by birth.
> [/snip]
> I do not want to start any arguments of flame wars either, but I am in
> total agreement. A one or two year service (those medically unable can
> serve similar community service) would be very valuable not only to the
> country but to the person.
> In a similar vein I believe that folks wishing to immigrate to this
> country should serve similarly.

Yeah, I agree with that one as well.  I'm in favor of them re-instituting the 
draft as well, not just for the current situation, but for giving everyone a 
better understanding of the freedoms they have and the reasons why they have 

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