Dan i'm 16 years old, currently my monthly salary (working as php
freelancer) almost catching my dad's and he is living good.
In 2 years from now I have to serv, probably at the battle field (I'm
healthy qualified) and usualy the place where guys like me being send to
includes additional 2 years - at the bottom line I'm getting in at age of 18
and becoming a citizen when i'm 23-24, I believe that if I won't take this
service (there are zillions of oppertunities to step back from the
service) I can start work at some web developing company (not freelancing)
and start learn at university or something, but in Israel the feelings of
apperciation to the motherland is higher than anywhere else in the world,
since you are young the people around you (the nuclear family and everyone
you know) injecting you the poison of this apperciation, so when you are 18
years-old you know what is the meaning of service and you are aspiring to
serv as much & as good as you can.


On 19/06/2008, Dan Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 12:45 PM, Jay Blanchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > [snip]
> >     I don't want to start any arguments or flame wars, but it's been
> > my opinion for years that the US should require at least one year in
> > the armed services as well.  If you want freedom and privileges, you
> > should earn them, not feel automatically entitled to them by birth.
> > [/snip]
> >
> > I do not want to start any arguments of flame wars either, but I am in
> > total agreement. A one or two year service (those medically unable can
> > serve similar community service) would be very valuable not only to the
> > country but to the person.
> >
> > In a similar vein I believe that folks wishing to immigrate to this
> > country should serve similarly.
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> > To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
> >
> >
> I didn't personally serve, but have others in my family join the Air Force
> and Navy.  Most people STRONGLY oppose mandatory service.
> I personally never agreed with anyone until the last couple years that
> there
> should be mandatory military service after high school.  The reason being:
> What if I had something planned for my life, why would fighting a war help
> me accomplish this?
> I guess the main problem is people don't realize that there are a LOT of
> things you can do in the military other than just taking a gun out into the
> field and firing at the enemy.  If you want people to believe that
> mandatory
> service is a good thing, they have to do more to get that message out.
> Especially in this day and age where most people think enlisting is just
> volunteering to go to Iraq.
> --
> -Dan Joseph
> www.canishosting.com - Plans start @ $1.99/month.
> "Build a man a fire, and he will be warm for the rest of the day.
> Light a man on fire, and will be warm for the rest of his life."

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