i wrote a simple classified and hash-enabled template engine
as a sort-of proof of concept.... placeholders in the template
are denoted by %{name}% and they're filled with data by
the "regvar()" func.  $temp->regvar('name', 'value');
1) class the engine so that you cay have multiple
instances of different templates and not worry about
them colliding or corrupting each other.
$temp1 = new template("filename")
$temp1->regvar('THIS', 'Some text');
2) put support for hashes of values so you dont
have to call regvar() for each and every var, you
can simply submit a hash to the template and it'll
traverse through it
$assoc_array('name'=>'scott', 'age'=>'99');
will properly replace %{name}% and %{age}%
with "scott" and "99"
Attached files to this email are:
template.php - the template class
test.template.php - the calling php script
test.template.html - a test template
put them all in the same dir and call 'test.template.php'
to see the test script.
-----Original Message-----
From: TunkeyMicket [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 11:47 AM
Subject: [PHP] Template Engine

Since so many of you are asking for help w/ a template engine of some sort I have included the one I use for my mail program.  I have not tested it with large amounts of text, but it is able to handle some very large strings.  It has its own documentation, and if anyone needs any help setting it up I'd be willing to help.
Chris "TunkeyMicket" Watford
TunkeyMicket Productions
Attached: mp_template_engine.php



Sample template file. Hello, my name is %{name}% and i am %{age}% years old And %{another}% thing!
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