Daniel Brown wrote:
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 3:53 AM, Ray Hauge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


    This displays perfectly fine, but does not function beyond looking
pretty on Firefox 3 (Linux/KDE).  I am, however, probably going to
play that game for a bit on my non-Linux (I refuse to say the name!)

    Maybe Rich could turn his canvas example into the first
HTML/CSS/JavaScript beach volleyball game.  It would be the closest
some of us would probably get to detaching from our desks and getting
onto a beach to play anyway.

Strange, I've tested it on Kubuntu Hardy FF 3, SuSE SLED 10.1 & FF2, Windows FF2&3 Safari Opera 9.5 IE6&7, Mac OSX Safari. I'd be interested in what error you got, just email me off-list if you like.

Ray Hauge

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