hi everybody,

maybe I get smth. wrong, but as far as I know the function
is used to find out if a var is registered in a session...

ok, now here is my example:

[ index.php ]
$count = "";
session_register ("count");
$count = "1";
<a href="check.php">NEXT</a>

[ check.php ]
if (session_is_registered("count")) {
 echo "yes, count is reg.<br>";
else {
 echo "no, count is not reg.<br>";

now, check.php always writes "no, count is not reg.", but I don't really
understand, why!
do I have to run a -> session_register ("count"); <- before using
But if I do this, there is no need to check for the var with
I know the var is registered....

maybe someone can help me out or point me to a good tutorial about

thx in advance :)

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