Jim Lucas wrote:

> What Apache starts, it reads the PHP memory limits in to the running
> Apache process.  When you try and upload a file, it is a straight HTTP
> upload.  PHP plays no part in the actual upload, except for the upload
> limits set in place by the php settings found in the php.ini or other
> Apache config files. 


> Now, Apache actually handles the Upload.  Once the file has been
> received completely, Apache then passes the file and process running
> to PHP. 

Also correct.

> I have never seen a case where Apache has stored the file on the file
> system. In my past experience it has always held the file in memory,
> therefor limited to the max physical memory that was install, minus a
> little for other things.

Well, I can easily show you such a case - I can upload a 1Gb file
without apache memory usage changing one bit.  Even if Apache did
upload into memory, why would that make the file limited to the max
amount of physical memory?? 

How about if I upload a 1Gb file to a webserver on a machine that only
has 256Mb memory - would you say that's impossible?

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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