Per Jessen wrote:

> Jim Lucas wrote:
>> I have never seen a case where Apache has stored the file on the file
>> system. In my past experience it has always held the file in memory,
>> therefor limited to the max physical memory that was install, minus a
>> little for other things.
> Well, I can easily show you such a case - I can upload a 1Gb file
> without apache memory usage changing one bit.  Even if Apache did
> upload into memory, why would that make the file limited to the max
> amount of physical memory??
> How about if I upload a 1Gb file to a webserver on a machine that only
> has 256Mb memory - would you say that's impossible?

Just did that (1Gb file uploaded to machine with 256M RAM) - Apache
definitely does _not_ store the uploaded file in memory, I also straced
the upload, and it's 1) read from socket followed by 2) write to disk. 

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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