>  What about using some type of a dispatch script? Locate all the files
>> outside of the doc root and then just call: viewdocument.php?ID=12345678 ?
>> Although now that I've typed that I realize that you would still be running
>> the same issue.. Unless you used javascript in your PHP to call the file
>> maybe?
Hmmm, what if I tried to use PHP to write a simple batch file?  Use the
batch file to copy the selected file from one server to another.  And then
open the copied file using any method I wanted since it's new location would
be in a temp directory?

And then maybe use if_exists() to see if the new file is located in the temp
directory and if it is, display it.

The only issue there might be when a file is really large or the network is
sluggish and it could take 1-5 seconds for the file to copy over.  In which
case if_exists() would be false since it is taking a while for the file to
copy.  Hmmm.

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